Being a girl from Tanzania, there is a lot i miss from back home but there are also a lot i missed being home.

For some reasons, H&M was one of the first brands i learnt about when i just started this crazy fashion chase and I had never stopped to look at other stores that aren't so different from them.

Stranger things hasn't made anything easier, since the collaborated with H&M and i kept going crazy over them.

Finally something hit me as I was recording one of my videos for my YouTube channel, "How to organize your closet", if you missed it check out the links.
I had so many items from Zara but I have never really gone to the store. Thrift shop never failed me but i thought it was about time i paid a visit to the store myself

So i decided to pick my bag up and head there.

The experience was really amazing, I ended up getting one skirt that I am completely in love with and I feel sort of behind. I keep imagining how many great items i let slide by me just because i had never thought of going by.

All I can say is Zara! you have earned another shopaholic named Stacy!!