Closets are one of the most important part of a fashionista's life... but do you know what is more important? "A well organized closet"

It is so amazing how a small thing or big (depending on the size of your closet 😅) can affect your day to day activities.

It's normal because some people do not really know the difference between organized and disorganized, u could be putting your clothes in piles but you don't really have the whole thing organized.
So, how do you know if your closet is disorganized?

1. It is super hard to find anything you are looking for.
2. It becomes very time consuming to pick out what to wear.. hence you have to wake up either super earlier, wear what you don't like or be late.
3. It's just not pretty.
4. You never have enough space
5. It makes you mad and affects your attitude for the day

Did you get all yeses?

Don't worry, I am here to save you, here are the tips for having a better organized closet.


Start a fresh!

Throw everything on the bed or you can put a sheet or a piece of fabric/ carpet and throw everything down to start over.


How much of the pile are you really using? prioritize items that you only use and get to step three


Split the pile again into different groups.

  1. Pile of  the types of clothes , i. e jeans with jeans, dresses with dresses etc but remember to pick only what you really need and use.
  2. Pile of give away, It's always good to give back to the community, it can even be to a friend but if you aren't using them and they still have life in them. Share them.
  3. Pile of throw away, these are the items that aren't so good anymore, overused, stained etc put them in a bag and T H R O W T H E M A W A Y!!!

Now that we have that out of the way, lets get to the fourth step..


Now that you have everything in piles, it is not just about putting them back in the space in your closet.
Make sure you plan what you want it to look like. Every time you open your closet should make you feel like you are about to buy something all over again.

Take time to think what goes where.


Put them all back in the shelf as you envisioned it.

Trust me when I say, it will be the last time you don't know where your favorite tank top is and the best part. Why would you feel shy to open your closet in front of company?


Oh yes... It does not end at putting clothes back in and locking the doors. Take time to redecorate and design your closet.
You can add lights, pictures, extra racks, and even sticky hooks (not sure if that is what they are called) to hang more items like necklaces, bags and belts.


If you are like me then you easily get tired of wearing the same items, i constantly promote my clothes into the lazy or sleeping batch but the best part of this is the shopping you have to do after.

Putting your clothes in piles will help you realize that you have more of some items than others. If you are satisfied with that you can stop there or if that is your personal style and would never swap a skirt for jeans, you can also stop right where you are comfortable, but if you are a scavenger for fashion like me, myself and I, use the pile ups to know what more you need for your closet. For example, I recently did a pile up and realized that i have been wearing a whole lot of pants than dresses and that is my next shopping project.

I hope you enjoyed the article and will find it useful... Check out my video below to get more tips and girl tips!!

Let me know what you think in the comment section and see you soon..

Lots of love
