There are a lot of topics that a lot of us prefer to dismiss and not acknowledge them until something goes down, i really don't think it's right, especially if its about health. Recently a friend of mine told me she caught UTI, creepy thing, I haven't heard of it in a while and it made me realize that most of  us are very ignorant and dismissive about our heath especially if it is about periods and sexual health. This inspired me to write about a health topic this week and I hope you will find it informative and helpful.

Whether you are a guy or girl, the one thing we all have on common is we all don't want or like to fall sick, it is a proven fact that most of the time girls are more endangered with such issues but men, you ought to look out for yourself too because you are the carriers most of the time but your symptoms don't show as fast as it does with girls. Even a better reason to be cautious than most. Carry a wipe or something, wipe yourself after making a pee, there is no same in being clean.

Here Are Some Tips and products that I use that I am sure will make your life a lot easier.

1. Tampons vs Pads

There are a lot of ideologies on both products, some hate pads some hate tampons, my opinions is honestly it depends on the mood and day. I use both and so should you, see what task you have to do for the day and pick one of the items that fit the description.

2. Liners

You want to buy a new costume or pants and you want to try them on. Yes not all stores allow you to try but with the few that do, you need these for your own protection because everyone is trying them out. Liners are sure to keep you safe, you can also use these after your period is up so you avoid using big pads and tampons.

3. Wash Gel

You need to get you a wash gel girl, an intimate wash for your genitals will keep you fresh, clean and always smelling good. I use this each time i shower, it has no effect what so ever in case you are worried, it's just soap like any other soap that is specifically for your intimos 😉

4. Wipes

I use 3 different types of wipes, the first and most important is my "intimate wipes" like the gel, it is made for your genitals and best to be used as substitute for toilet paper, especially if it's a piece you put in your bag from home because your bag is not as clean as you think and definitely not from the public toilet, you never know who was there before you so a little paranoia never hurt anybody.
My second type are anti bacterial wipes, I use these to wipe the sit and to clean myself before using the intimate wipes, i know what you are thinking... why? well because why not? 😅, told you I was paranoid.
And the last are the normal wipes which aren't really a must, you can use the antibiotic ones for everything.

5. Wrapped Tissues

So for some of you more paranoid people out there who think it's too much chemicals in one day (which is really not the case) you can choose to stick with tissues that are well packed instead of your home toilet paper. They are well sealed and chances of them catching bacteria are very low!

I hope you will find this article useful, stick around to watch my video about this. I will better explain to you why you need to have these products for a better hygiene.

Thanks for stopping by
